Wet biogas desulfurization refers to the application of liquid absorbents (such as water or alkaline solutions) to wash flue gas and remove SO2 from flue gas. Its advantages are high desulfurization efficiency, small equipment, low investment, easy operation, easy control, and small footprint; The disadvantage is that it is easy to cause secondary pollution, there is a problem of wastewater post-treatment, high energy consumption, especially the low temperature of the flue gas after washing, which is not conducive to the diffusion of chimney exhaust, easy to generate "white smoke", requires secondary heating, and severe corrosion. The main methods are
The limestone gypsum method is a process that uses limestone/limestone slurry to wash the flue gas and react with SO2 to generate calcium sulfite (CaSO3). The separated calcium sulfite can be discarded, or air can be introduced for forced oxidation and some additives can be added to recover it in the form of gypsum. In order to reduce the load of SO2 washing equipment, the flue gas needs to be removed from the dust first, and then it enters the dust removal equipment to react with the absorption liquid. The lime/limestone gypsum method technology is relatively mature, with inexpensive and easily available absorbers, reliable operation, and the widest application, with a desulfurization efficiency of over 90%.
鈉法此法是用氫氧化鈉、碳酸鈉、或亞硫酸鈉溶液為吸收劑吸收煙氣中的SO2,因該法具有對SO2吸收速度快,管路和設(shè)備不易堵塞等優(yōu)點,所以應(yīng)用比較廣泛,吸收液可以經(jīng)無害化處理后棄去或適當(dāng)方法處理后獲得副產(chǎn)品NaSO3晶體、石膏、硫酸等。 鎂法此法具有代表性的工藝有西德WilhlmGrillo公司發(fā)明的基里洛法和美國ChemicalConstructionCo發(fā)明的凱米克法。

Sodium method: This method uses sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, or sodium sulfite solution as absorbent to absorb SO2 in flue gas. Due to its advantages of fast SO2 absorption speed, less clogging of pipelines and equipment, it is widely used. The absorption solution can be discarded after harmless treatment or processed by appropriate methods to obtain by-products such as NaSO3 crystals, gypsum, sulfuric acid, etc. The representative processes of magnesium method include the Kirilo method invented by Wilhlm Grillo Company in West Germany and the Kemmick method invented by Chemical Construction Co. in the United States. Kirilot method
MgxMnOy with good absorption performance and easy regeneration is used as an absorbent to absorb SO2 in flue gas. The concentration of by-product H2SO4 obtained by this method can reach 98%. The Kemmick method, also known as the magnesium oxide method, uses two Venturi dust collectors in series to remove small dust particles from the flue gas, and uses a MgO solution to absorb SO2 from the flue gas. The crystals of MgSO4.7H2O and MgSO4.6H2O generated during the absorption process are heated and decomposed with coke at 1000 ℃ to obtain SO2 and MgO. The regenerated MgO can be reused as an absorbent.
Ammonia method This method uses ammonia water as an absorbent to absorb SO2 in flue gas, and the intermediate products are ammonium sulfite and ammonium bisulfite. Different methods are used to treat the intermediate products, which can recover by-products such as ammonium sulfate, gypsum, and monomer sulfur.
The ammonium phosphate compound fertilizer method uses natural phosphorus ore and ammonia as raw materials, and the by-product in the flue gas desulfurization process is ammonium phosphate compound fertilizer. The process mainly includes four processes, namely: primary desulfurization with activated carbon and preparation of dilute sulfuric acid; Extracting phosphate rock with dilute sulfuric acid to obtain a dilute sulfuric acid solution; Neutralizing solution of phosphoric acid and ammonia [(NH4) 2HPO4] for secondary desulfurization; Concentrate and dry the slurry to produce ammonium phosphate compound fertilizer. The desulfurization efficiency is above 95%.